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Experienced Candida Doctor in NYC

Natural, Holistic Treatment for Candida

Dr. Dean Mitchell is a Specialist in Treating Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a type of fungus, sometimes called yeast, which occurs naturally in the body. Candida overgrowth, also known as chronic candidiasis, is a yeast overgrowth that can cause several health issues such as bloating, skin irregularities, muscle aches, and even lapses in attention. Due to the number of diverse symptoms, Candida is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions in the world!

Let one of the leading Candida doctors in the US help get you diagnosed and treated for Candida.

How Do You Know You Have Candida?

It’s Easy to Know if You Have Candida – All It Takes is a Simple Skin Test

If you suffer from bloating, intense vaginal itching, burning, and discharge, have repeated sinus or yeast infections, athlete’s foot or just feel unfocused, exhausted, or depressed all the time, you may have Candida.

Candida overgrowth is more common than you think. The good news is you can beat this condition.

Some doctors think that an overgrowth of Candida isn’t a problem. We completely disagree.

Symptoms of Candida

Candida has several different names: yeast, fungi, Candida hypersensitivity syndrome. It also frequently co-occurs with other syndromes. Anyone with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, for instance, probably has a problem with Candida – although people with Candida may not have either one. If you have the following symptoms, the chances are Candida is playing a role:

  • Gastrointestinal: Bloating, Constipation & Irritable Bowel
  • Pelvic: Vaginal Itchy & discharge, burning
  • Skin: Rashes
  • Sinuses: Sinus congestion/ pressure
  • Neurological: lack of focus, poor concentration & anxiety/ depression

Our Holistic Candida Treatment Approach

Treating Candida can be challenging, and may require lifestyle changes.

In healthy amounts, it is not damaging, but in some people, an overgrowth of the fungus occurs, causing a number of symptoms. We have the diagnostic tools to help confirm Candida and rebuild your immune system. Our original 3-step process involves dietary changes with your custom Candida diet, vitamin and herb regiments and using Candida sublingual drops. Although candida treatment can be time-consuming and challenging in its initial stages, sticking to a plan can help you finally get relief from the symptoms that have been plaguing you. Once we have you back to normal, the momentum phase keeps you on track so you won’t backslide.

It can take several weeks or even months to fully treat candida because many lifestyle changes are needed to support the treatment process.

The Most Comprehensive Candida Book Ever Written!

Check out Dr. Mitchell’s podcast “The Most Comprehensive Candida Book Ever Written!” with Dr. Marjorie Crandell, PhD. Dr. Crandell is a mycology researcher and Candida consultant who has just published Overcoming Yeast Infections A Ten-Step Program of Medical Care and Self-Help for Candidiasis

In this podcast, we discuss the proper way to diagnose and treat candida as well as the dietary truths and myths.

Check out the podcast and Dr. Crandell’s book – Overcoming Yeast Infections A Ten-Step Program of Medical Care and Self-Help for Candidiasis 

Telehealth New Patient Meeting

We know it can be difficult to always find time to get to the doctor’s office which is why we are now offering telehealth virtual new patient meetings with Dr. Mitchell. During the meeting, you will speak directly with Dr. Mitchell about your health issues just like you would at his office.

It is important for all those who are interested in a telehealth appointment with me to know that medico-legally I cannot diagnose or treat anyone unless we have a face-to-face, in-person office visit. I cannot prescribe any medications or supplements from a telehealth visit (the exception to this is if you live in New York State).

These telehealth visits are intended for educational and informational purposes only. My goal is to help provide you with these resources to work with your local healthcare provider to get the best care possible.

Call our office today at 212-397-0157 to schedule your meeting or request an appointment online.

Our Treatment Steps

  1. Dietary changes based on the candida diet program
  2. Anti-fungals
  3. Vitamin and anti-oxidant injections or IV therapy to help the liver cleanse the candida from the body
  4. Candida sublingual drops to boost your body’s immunity and keep the candida balanced moving forward

Dietary Changes to Treat Candida

Many of the foods you eat every day could inadvertently be feeding your yeast overgrowth. To regain control of candida, we recommend that you adopt a specific candida-cure diet. The first treatment approach is diet. We DO NOT tell our patients to avoid all yeast products, as this is extremely difficult. But we do ask them to eliminate all sugar, white carbohydrates, alcohol, and dairy. In addition, we sometimes recommend avoiding gluten. Transitioning to this diet can feel restrictive at first, but most patients are motivated to continue when they realize how much better they feel when they eat the right foods. On a yeast-free diet, you will avoid sugar, most artificial sweeteners, glutinous grains, all fruits, processed meats, pork, most fish, coffee, most kinds of tea, vinegar, and starchy vegetables. Instead, you will eat non-glutinous grains, beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, yogurt with live cultures, and many types of vegetables. You may be able to re-introduce some of the foods you miss when your candida is under control.

Anti-Fungals and IV Vitamin Therapy

Once dietary changes have been established, the use of probiotics and herbal anti-yeast supplements can reestablish the balance between healthy gut bacteria and candida yeast. Sometimes a prescription anti-fungal will be necessary as well. We also like to use IV vitamin therapy to help the liver cleanse the candida from the body.

This treatment takes several months, but for many people, it is enough to bring about significant improvement. If problems persist following these treatment options, sublingual immunotherapy can offer a convenient, effective option for long-term yeast control.

Sublingual Immunotherapy

For those patients whose symptoms keep recurring, or simply don’t go away, we use sublingual immunotherapy to build up the immune system. Sublingual immunotherapy is designed to improve your immune system’s response to candida. It involves placing drops under your tongue that include a small amount of candida, to allow your body to slowly re-establish immunity. The drops are administered over a period of time determined by your specialist, and you will be closely monitored for negative reactions.

Candida Maintenance

When your candida is under control and you start to feel better, it can be tempting to return to habits that make you more vulnerable to infection. Your candida specialist will continue to support your recovery and recommend lifestyle tweaks until you feel confident that you are in control of your condition management.

Are You at Risk for Candida?

You are also at risk for Candida overgrowth if you have been on long-term antibiotics or multiple courses of antibiotics for acne or respiratory infections. If you have been on birth control pills or used topical or oral corticosteroids this may contribute as well. Finally, a diet that has been high in carbohydrates and simple sugar puts you at high risk.

Take our candida symptom questionnaire to see if you are at risk!

Our doctors, Dr. Ricki, and Dr. Dean Mitchell specialize in treating candida overgrowth with natural, holistic treatments and a healthy diet plan that reduces candida growth in the body.

What is Candida?

Your body’s natural functions are supported by a wide range of microorganisms that live on the skin and inside the body to assist in processes like fighting off infections and digesting food.

Candida is a yeast that lives in our bodies primarily in the mouth and intestines, working in harmony with good bacteria in the digestive system to support digestion and nutrient absorption. Typically, Candida lives in harmony with the healthy bacteria of the digestive tract. But antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, or even simply an increase in sugar consumption can lead to a Candida albicans overgrowth, which can seriously impact your health.

While this yeast is generally beneficial to the body, it can become harmful when it overgrows and starts to impair the function of healthy bacteria in the gut. When this occurs, you may experience a number of symptoms that might reduce your quality of life and affect your overall health. At Mitchell Medical Group, you can find effective, holistic treatment for candida that will help you get back to normal with healthy digestion and reduced discomfort.

Candida impacts the quality of life. People can’t concentrate, feel bloated, have trouble breathing and often feel depressed. Over the years, we have seen first-hand how treating this fungus properly can dramatically increase my patients’ well-being.

Learn more about the 4 stages of Candida Overgrowth.

Common Signs of Candida

There are several common symptoms associated with candida, and they can be much more extensive than simple digestive discomfort. Candida albicans overgrowth might lead to bloating and constipation, diarrhea, frequent rashes or infection of the skin, chronic fatigue, irritability, mood swings, poor focus, and regular cravings for sugar and other refined carbohydrates. Because many of these symptoms can be seen with other conditions, an accurate diagnosis is important for the treatment of candida. Blood, urine, or stool testing may indicate an overgrowth of candida yeast in the body.

Causes of Candida

Individuals who have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or certain autoimmune disorders may be at a higher risk for developing candida. Some other causes include the use of birth control pills, prolonged antibiotic use, and poor dietary habits. Candida feeds on sugar, so it may flourish when someone has a diet high in sugar, simple carbohydrates, or alcohol.

The major causes of candida overgrowth include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Steroids
  • Birth control pills
  • Estrogen replacement therapy
  • Poor diet
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Heavy metals
  • Alcohol overuse
  • Recreational drugs
  • Stress

It’s easy to see why the incidence of candidiasis is so high in the United States when the main contributing factors are various mainstream Western medicine protocols, rampant poor diet, and the stress overload so prevalent in our society today.

Schedule Your Consultation

Call our office today at 212-397-0157 to schedule your candida treatment consultation or request an meeting online.

We have offices in midtown Manhattan and Rockville Centre on Long Island.

Request An Meeting

Virtual Telehealth Meetings Available!

57 W 57th St, Suite 601
New York, NY 10019


Rockville Centre
165 North Village Avenue, Suite 129
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
